Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fabulous Fall Weekend

This was the ideal fall weekend. Friday night we sat in the freezing cold weather and watched a football game. Saturday night we made caramel apples and celebrated our family's October b-days. Sunday we painted pumpkins at church. Does it get any more fall than that?

Mallory ate more stuff than she stuck on the apples, but that's okay.

Darrell represents the 30's, Me the 20's, and Uncle Rich the 40's.

Uncle Bob and Aunt Lynda with the kiddos.

All the nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews.
All of the siblings.
Painting pumpkins

That sticker was meant for a pumpkin.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat gently down the living room floor? I bought this 'vintage' (that word is much cooler than old, worn out junk someone didn't want anymore) blow up boat for $3.00 at a yard sale this weekend. (Original asking price...$5.00. Thanks to my mom for talking the guy down) It was supposed to be part of my Washington crossing the Delaware River simulation in my classroom, but when Luke saw it blown up, he had to have it. Luke and Mallory have spent the last two evenings in the boat. They love it! Tonight they ate their snacks and drank their bedtime milks in the boat. They jump and wrestle in it. They make a ramp out of it. I think it's the best $3.00 I've spent in a while. It lost a little air from the night before. There is a cork wrapped in duct tape holding the air in. What can you expect for $3.00.


Luke and Mallory have fully recovered from the week long mystery illness they had. It was a type of flu, but who knows what type...maybe the dreaded SWINE flu!!!! But much to the dismay of our media, they survived. It was a long week of high fevers, horrible coughs, and lots of irritability, but we're glad to have our happy and energetic/wild kids back. Here they are in their glory.

Yep, this is her smile.