Saturday, May 16, 2009

I've Seen it All!!!

I've officially seen it all!! Last Saturday Craig, Luke, Grandma Renee and I went to watch Kyle in a demolition derby. Not just any derby, but a lawn tractor derby. Only in Carroll County!!! Kyle spent a lot of time preparing for this. He didn't do so well in the tractor derby, but his friend Jessy did. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen. These guys were knocking each other over and they would just jump up, flip the tractor back over and keep going. Kyle also ran in the truck heat and did great, but I don't have any pictures of that. The tractor above is Jessy's. Kyle's Tractor

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mallory Update

Mallory visited her cardiologist today. Over the past few months we have been weaning her off one of her blood pressure medications. She has been completely off this medicine for a month now. When her blood pressure was checked today, it was on the high side, so her doctor upped one of her other medications to hopefully help lower her blood pressure. She had an EKG and an Echocardiogram. The good news is that the blood flow through her aorta looks great!
Here are some recent pictures of Mallory.

Luke Update

Here are some recent pictures of Luke. He can finally peddle his tricycle!!!

Mowing the yard. We're training him for the real thing soon.

Mr. Potato Head's glasses don't fit Luke well.

The famous Luke smile.

On the Hunt

Here are some pictures of Luke and Mallory searching for eggs a few weeks back. No eggs under here!

Mallory started walking really well, just before Easter.