Monday, July 26, 2010

Bean Tragedy Turns Out Okay

It was a sad day in the Stutzman house last Friday. After numerous emails to my gardening guru, Sue, it was determined my beans have blight or something else that have made them inedible. Bummer!!! I was looking forward to canning some beans and eating them in the winter. However, my cousin Darrell has traded his old ways for some new found, earth friendly ordeals. You see, Darrell tills our tiny little garden for us with his tractor. He also planted corn for us this year at his house in his enormous garden. He has quite the spread. Darrell also had the 1 place prize winning beans at the Carroll County Fair. Yep, I typed that right...prize winning beans, onions, and potatoes too! Read about it here. So what would this tragedy stricken cousin do? Steal some prize winning beans! Thanks Darrell and Steph.

My horrible beans!!!

Yuck! They were pretty much empty on the inside except for the beans.

Here is Darrell's spread. Nice!!!!!!!!!!!

Darrell's beans canned

160 ears of corn from Darrell's too.

My corn assembly line. It only took an entire day to pick, shuck, boil, cut, bag, and freeze.


J-ROK LGM said...

WOW! I loved canned green beans and have actually never done it. I'm very impressed and Jake is sad that he's not your gardening guru (kidding!).

Anonymous said...

Wow quite domestic.