We have the best jobs ever.
Lots of relaxing!
Lots of time to paint toe nails.

Lots of time to celebrate birthdays.
Lots of time to have camp-outs in the living room. (PS- this camp-out had to be moved to each child's respective bedroom because they were still awake at 11 pm.
Lots of corn eating. I finally found someone who can keep up with me at eating corn. Luke ate four pieces of corn in this sitting.
Lots of time for strawberry picking. We did this a few weeks ago and it was a little too late in the season. There were a lot of dirty strawberries (that's what we called the rotten ones). Luke was done within the first 5 minutes of picking, but I tortured him and made him wait over an hour. We/I picked 10 quarts! They will be really good this winter.
PS- Sorry Craig hasn't had the most fun this summer. He spends most of his time with his laptop and his grad classes. One downfall of teaching. You have to keep learning. What do these people expect?
Lots and lots of fun! Was Craig posing or does he really do toes? Can't wait till our camping trip... I'll have my toes ready and waiting (psst... we need to plan a date for your visit!). Also, Rocky is so sweet to share his sleeping bag :)
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