We left for vacation on July 8. Darrell and
Steph took Rocky for us and from what I hear, he really enjoyed the freedom at the
Shafer's house. The rest of us headed for Raleigh, North Carolina. We drove about 8 hours and the kids did wonderful in the car. We stayed Thursday night and Friday night with Craig's friends from college, Mike and Selena. Thanks for having us guys!!! Saturday afternoon we left Raleigh to head to Ocean Isle, North Carolina. It was only a 3 hour drive from Raleigh. We arrived at our beach house to meet Craig's parents, brother Bob and family, and brother Keith and family. We were able to spend a week at the beach eating lots of food, playing in the water, sitting on the porch, and kicking the guys but at
Guesstures. The following Saturday we headed out and made a pit stop at Fort Bragg, North Carolina where Bob is currently stationed. We got to spend another night with cousins and get a tour of the base. After that stay, I appreciate those who serve even more. We headed back to Ohio Sunday morning and made it home in about 8 hours. Thanks to Alison's wonderful photography skills I have about 800 pictures of the beach, so I tried to narrow it down to my very, very, very, very favorite pictures.

We were able to celebrate Luke's 4
th birthday at the beach.

Luke's Dad played with his new toys. Luke is really into Star Wars, so he got a bunch of Star Wars toys and
Ironman stuff too!

Uncle Bob is the slowest eater ever!
Every night we would have the dishes cleaned up from 16 people and left overs put away before Bob was close to done. He had to dig his second helpings out of the fridge if he wanted any. The time in the picture above was 6:40. He started eating at 5:40. This was the fastest he ate all week because we started a pool to see who could pick the time he would be done. Ironically, his wife picked 6:45. He knows who to keep happy. (I picked 7:00 and wasn't even close)

Poor Craig had to do actual work while we were there.

We played a friendly game of charades, boys vs. girls. The boys tried every angle to cheat us out of a victory, but the ladies prevailed. Just for the record gangsta is just another way to pronounce gangster.

There's another picture right after this, where Grandma Peggy, but not kids, is on her butt. Apparently a 'big' wave came in. I didn't put it up here for the world to see. Love ya- Grandma

All the kids from the top:
Caitlyn, James, Riley, Mira, Luke, Peyton, Brooke, and Mallory

The fresh air, sun, and water really wore Mallory out.

So, we had to take a lot of naps.

This is my favorite picture. Grandpa Rob took it.

The End!!!
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