We start back to school this Thursday and Friday so our summer laziness and fun is over. Here are some summer highlights.
Summer is now BEHIND us!! ;)

Playing in the backyard.

Luke's first trip to the dentist. With his bike helmet.

Lots of water fun!

Hanging out with cousins.

Going places...lots of places.

Swimming at
TJ's house.

Father's day picnic.

Trying to give Luke away with the free windows.

Visiting with friends.

Vacationing at the beach with family.

Luke getting hooked for the first time.

Going to the zoo.

dirt bikes.

Visiting with family.

Enjoying the sunshine and hot weather!
We have had a wonderful summer. It has had it's ups and downs with the job search, but everything always happens for a reason and eventually works out. We are so lucky to have jobs that allow us to do so much fun stuff as a family.
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