I decided to try to garden this year. I avoided this post because I didn't want to jinx myself. But, now most of the veggies are either done growing or doing well, so I don't think I can kill them. I'm not the greatest at keeping things alive, so this year was just an experiment. Darrell came in May with his tractor to till up an area about 12x10 maybe?? We discovered that the spot used to be an extra parking space for my grandpa's old junk cars, so there was an abundance of gravel. You can garden in gravel right? I tried for a few days to rake the rocks out. Then I tried to pick all of them up. I even tried to con Luke in to helping. After about 3 rocks in the bucket he would quit. So I decided to leave the rocks and see what happened. Well three months later, I learned that pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, parsley, basil, green peppers, peas, carrots, green beans, and potatoes like to grow in gravel. The only things that haven't produced were the strawberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe. Yes, I planted all of those things in that tiny space. We have pumpkins growing in everything, beans growing in tomatoes, tomatoes growing in peas, potatoes growing in beans. It's all intertwined. For the first year, I'm very proud. Overall it's been fun, but more work than I thought. When my grandma lived here, her garden was the size of the entire yard. I think we benefited from what she and her garden left behind because I'm not sure how it turned out so good! It has been fun picking things with Luke and yelling at him not to step on the plants. He's learned the color red from picking tomatoes and occasionally picked up his rake and hoe to help out. So if you need tomatoes, just give us a call. We'll have Luke pick some for you.

3 years ago
WOW KELLY! We're so proud of you! I'm very impressed that you did so much in such a tiny area :) I want to grow those kind of beans next year... they look SO good!
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