Luke is playing soccer on a team for four-seven year olds. We were getting ready for his game this morning, but there's something missing... can you figure out what it is? 
We finally put his pants on, which were missing in the above picture. Then Craig took the kids to the field (I had some running to do before the game) and it turns out it was a bye week for Luke's team. would think his parents would look at the schedule!!! I guess I'm lucky it was Craig who took him and looked like an idiot! So here are some pictures from last weekend's game. It was sooooooo cold!!
Luke got to play goalie, but there was no action at his end of the field. And by no action...I mean no action. Now he doesn't want to be the goalie because it's boring, but we tried to explain to him that it's actually good for his team that there is no action while he is goalie.
Luke loves soccer! One of my friends from high school coaches him and she does such a good job with all the little kiddies!
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