Rocky entered our lives on Valentine's Day in 2002. Craig kept him a secret. We were shopping in Canton and he told me his brother Keith needed us to pick up some dog treats and food for his dog. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why Keith couldn't buy his own treats and food, but soon to find out, Rocky was anxiously awaiting our arrival home. Rocky was quite the ball of fuzz to start. He grew to 95 pounds of pure love. He was our baby for so many years, but not nearly enough. I think the kids drove him crazy. He would give them a grumble when they were too close or too annoying, however he always checked on them after they went to bed. Mallory gave him a hug and kiss every night. Luke was to the age that he could let Rocky in and out of the house and it made him feel so proud and grown up. It's been a long few weeks around here. It's been too quiet. There's no one to feed, give treats to, let in, yell at for being under your feet, or help tuck the kids into bed. Rocky is missed greatly!! Luke asked if God dropped a rope down and pulled Rocky up to heaven? He sure did Luke!!!
We were much younger in this picture! Yikes.
We had the junkiest cap that fit on the back of the S10. Craig took out the back window of the cap so we could open the sliding window on the truck and talk to Rocky. I took the picture on our way home from camping.