Friday my school let out an hour and half early and there wasn't a flake of snow on the ground. They made a wise decision though, because when it started snowing, it didn't stop for about 24 hours. This is what we ended with. We had over a foot of snow at our house. I'm not exaggerating either!! Most places had drifted and it was even higher. Poor Rocky. He couldn't even squat to do his business. Craig started shoveling last evening about 4:30. When he came in at 6:00 he still wasn't done. It took about another hour to get everything finally dug out today. We are going to invest in a snow blower! (If anyone sees one at an auction let us know!!)
Craig shoveling

3 years ago
What are Pilgrim Pies? And I don't think you should get a snowblower... isn't it nice to shoo Craig out of the house for a few hours ;)
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