Luke wanted his bike in bed with him last night. We didn't go that far. We let him sleep on his flip couch on the floor. The bike was parked just at his feet and he had to sleep with his helmet on. 

We did move him to his bed before we went to sleep. Then between 11:30 and 1:30 he was up at least 3 times wanting to ride his bike. It was a 'fun' night.
3 years ago
It is SO hilarious how he likes to sleep with his toys... A BIKE?!?!?!?! Very cool that he is such an active little bugger and so into biking. Can't wait to take him on the Oil City bike trail with Mallory and my sock monkey in the bike trailer that we recently bought :)
p.s. Got your card today!!! THANKS (you'll get a real thanks soon). My mind is racing with what I can do with it... you are awesome!!!
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