Summer is coming to an end for us. We topped off a great summer today with Great Uncle Jim and Aunt Elaine. We headed to Olmsted Falls to see where Uncle Jimmy was born (as Luke says) and where he grew up. We climbed some rocks in the local park.

A few years back, maybe about
fiftyish...some vandal
coincidentally carved Uncle Jim's name in one of the rocks. How weird.

After Olmsted Falls, not to be confused with North Olmsted, we headed to
Berea to watch the Browns practice. Luke was so excited. No, I mean SO EXCITED. He loves football. We figured this is the year the Browns are going to turn it all around and we wanted to have some part of it!!

Colt McCoy is the one on the left, orange shirt, riding a bike with the other injured (we assumed).

Defense drills

During the practice local college kids walk around and hand out tickets to kids to get autographs. Luke didn't get a ticket, but another kid who didn't want his gave his to Luke. How nice of him. You don't know who will be in the autograph tent beforehand. Luke's ticket sent him to the brown tent and it was perfect because Josh
Cribbs was one of the six players who ended up signing in the brown tent. It's run very well because it only for kids. Parents have to get out of line when the kids get near the tent. We coached Luke on what to say and he did great.

One of the college kids who helped him through the line.

Josh signing away.

Sorry...I had to throw this one in for all you
Steeler fans.

Luke on the way home.
We had the best day!!!