Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

Hope you enjoyed today! We did.

Took this picture last week while I was in DC. It's a flag that was hanging over a staircase we were walking down in the Capitol.

Waiting for the big Carrollton parade to begin.

Believe it or not, they are smiling. These are their new smiles.

Mallory and Emma. Emma was quite the candy grabber. Her only downfall...she's too nice! She kept putting candy she grabbed in Luke and Mallory's bag. Thanks Emma!!!

Auntie and Erin.

Erin enjoyed the parade so much, she needed her pants changed!


We would like to begin camping again. So, to give it a test run, we decided to sleep out in the backyard Saturday night. All of us including Rocky squeezed into the tent and we all managed to stay there all night. It was a good time. Mallory and Luke slept in between us on the air mattress, but we learned our lesson. Kids get their own bed/space next time. Mallory managed to completely turn herself around numerous times and get her feet tangled in my hair. I took a few kicks to the head from her too.

It used to be just Craig, me, and Rock in the tent, but those days are over!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Grandma Renee and Grandpa Rick gave the kiddies this trampoline. It took us about a week to get it completely together (we had not instructions to go by, so we just stalked families who already had trampolines to try to figure it out). Luke and Mallory love it and I do too! It's the world's largest playpen.

Mallory's hair goes crazy in it!

Garden Take 2

I'm trying to garden again. It's coming a long nicely. Apparently, I put my peppers and tomatoes in a bit too early, so my fingers are crossed that we have no more frost!!!
I have strawberries!!!!!!! This makes me so happy! It will probably be about 10 berries, but it's a start.

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Tricks

This new camera has some cool settings.




Multishot again

PS- To the two people or maybe more who read this...does anyone know how to fix my pictures? It's driving me crazy!!!!!!!!! I want them to go straight down the page in order, but for some reason, they are all goofy!

2008 Vs. 2010

We went to the dam in July of 2008. Let's compare to tonight's shots.



2008...Nope, not a thing has changed.

Atwood Dam

We made a trip to the Atwood Dam Friday night. We stopped by the Gyro Shak in Dellroy and grabbed dinner. The gyros were really good. For all of you Carrollton people, you should try it. It's good. Thanks Darrell for getting us started! Plus they give you coupons for $5.00 off you next $10.00 purchase. You can't beat that!

Mallory's missing a pig tail.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Luke and Mallory

A wonderful Mother's Day gift...sweeping. Thanks Dad and Mallory!

Luke may need this football helmet he was trying on at Dick's for his new toy I found at a yard sale...a ramp. Steph and I picked it up at the Lake Mohawk garage sales for $18.00. She said I wasn't just buying a ramp, but probably buying a few trips to the hospital. It should be a lot of fun this summer!!

He was a bit timid the first few trips up and down the ramp. I'm sure he'll get more brave!

PS- I took most of these pictures with my Mother's Day present. Craig, Luke, and Mallory did a good job!!!!